28 Weeks Later Opening Scene Re-enactment | Don Abandons Alice #28yearslater
Something old friends and I made back in 2016. Just thought I'd share since 28 Years Later is now co ...View More
The Power of Avatar The Way of Water | A Documentary by David Al-Badri
This is my love letter to AVATAR: The Way of Water. A movie that truly goes beyond the premise of it ...View More
Reading The Kybalion
The Kybalion (full title: The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Gree ...View More
Stop Helping People So Much (Updates on future videos + new discord channel)
"To give others what they have not earned is like pouring sand into their hands" I have a new discor ...View More
Why do people in the comment section of Avatar videos root for the humans? The answer is...
After reading through comments on Avatar videos on youtube, I've concluded that people are either la ...View More
(2020) Rebirth | A Shamanic Documentary by David Al-Badri [REDUX]
Removed at 250000 views. Thanks Youtube. (00:00) Epic Intro (03:24) Prologue (12:25) Part 1. The Cat ...View More
My 5th Documentary Has Been Removed by Youtube - But We Can Get It Back!
My 5th documentary entitled 'Rebirth' has been removed by Youtube - at 250000 views - due to a compl ...View More
The Most Important Scene in Avatar Was A Deleted Scene (Ayahuasca Ceremony) #avatar #dmt
I have always suspected James Cameron had undergone an Ayahuasca ceremony when he traveled to the Am ...View More
(2022) The Return of You | A Documentary by David Al-Badri
(06:55) Part 1. Revelations (21:22) Part 2. Down The Rabbit Hole (33:33) Part 3. Spiritual War Dedic ...View More
Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford VS Canadian Citizens
This is how I feel about the leadership of my country. Complete slime. Globalist - corporate control ...View More
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